Tom Brady jokes family will 'kill him' if he ditches retirement and rejoins NFL

‘As I said, you’re only allowed one un-retirement. And I’ve used it up,’ football legend says

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Tom Brady is telling football fans definitively that his football career is over, saying that his family will “kill him” if he decides to return to the NFL after calling it quits for a second time earlier this year.

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During a new episode of his SiriusXM podcast Let’s Go with Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald and Jim Gray, YouTube star Mr. Beast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, joked that ratings for their show would skyrocket if Brady announced a comeback.

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“If you really wanted it to take off, I’d have Tom say he’s coming out of retirement,” Donaldson said.

But Brady poured cold water on the notion that he has another comeback in him.

“I am not coming out of retirement,” he said.

“All you have to do is cut the ‘not,’ put that at the start, and be like ‘Coming later in this podcast,’ and your attention will be through the roof. The video will go crazy and you’re good — problem solved,” Donaldson added, dreaming up a new way for Brady to go viral.

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But Brady said he’s already used up his goodwill with fans once when he came back in 2022, just days after announcing he was calling it quits.

“My parents would call, my kids would call. They’d kill me. I wouldn’t be around by tonight,” Brady added. “As I said, you’re only allowed one un-retirement. And I’ve used it up.”

After he and Gisele Bundchen divorced last year, the legendary NFL quarterback, 46, officially left professional football in February after 23 seasons.

Last week on the podcast, he said he was trying to live a life of “self-awareness” going forward.

“We’re in a culture too, where it’s hard to own up to things these days because of this mentality on the internet and these nameless faces of people that pile on so nobody wants to admit anything anymore. No one can say ‘I messed up and I learned from it.’ They say ‘I messed up,’ and by the time you say, ‘I messed up,’ you don’t have a job. That’s a hard place to live,” he said.

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The father of three added that he always tries to say the right thing because he “already [has] a lot of drama” in his personal life.

“For someone like me, I’m in the public eye a lot and I always try to say the right thing just because I don’t want to deal with any more drama that’s already in my life,” he said.

Earlier this summer, Brady said that 2023 was his big year of moving on after two-plus decades in the NFL.

“It’s a big year of kind of recalibrating some different things,” he told the Associated Press. “I’m just trying to set my priorities and allow my time and energy to be focused on those. In the short term, it’s being there for my children and being the best dad I can be and being as present as I can with them.”

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