‘LIFE ISN’T FAIR’: Michael Schumacher’s brother offers insight on F1 legend’s condition

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In the 10 years since he suffered a head injury in a skiing accident, updates on the condition of Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher have been few and far between.

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But recently his brother, Ralf, offered some insight into Michael’s condition.

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In an interview with German magazine Bunte, Ralf revealed that he has not been allowed to have much contact with Michael’s family. Schumacher’s wife, Corinna, has protected the privacy of her husband to an extreme measure, with only immediate family and closest friends knowing any details.

“When I see his children Gina-Maria and Mick, my heart smiles,” Ralf said. “If someone in the family is looking for my advice, I’m there. They go their own way.”

When asked about his brother’s condition, Ralf answered: “Unfortunately, sometimes life isn’t fair. We have to accept it.”

Not much is known about Michael’s condition other than that he was placed in a medically induced coma for 250 days after receiving a blow to the head while skiing in Meribel, France, in 2013.

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He also underwent two operations to remove blood clots, but other than that, very little is known about the seven-time F1 world champion.

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Recently, a lawyer for the Schmuchers said that there may never be an official report released on Michael’s health in order to protect the family.

Speaking to the German news outlet LTO, the lawyer said: “Of course, we discussed a lot about how this is possible. So we also considered whether a final report about Michael’s health could be the right way to do this.

“But that wouldn’t have been the end of it and there would have had to be constantly updated ‘water level reports.’ Because as those affected, it is not up to you to put an end to the media.

“They could pick up on such a report again and again and ask, ‘And what does it look like now?’ One, two, three months or years after the message.

“And if we then wanted to take action against this reporting, we would have to deal with the argument of voluntary self-disclosure.”

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